Wednesday, June 6, 2007


SandyGentlebrook said...

I have heard this is good bur cost some money that is why I do not use it for my dogs w/arthritis.

Marcia said...

I have no choice. I am not treating arthritis but a partially torn ACL

Anonymous said...

Please do not give previcox to your dog!!! The risk is not worth it. My little dacshund Mollye pulled a muscle in her neck and the vet prescribed it to her for the anti-inflametory properties and she has had ill effects from this med. First we noticed her back legs were stiff as if she were old and decrepid only she is just 2 years old. She drank water profusely and was lethargic. We stopped the med and now 3 weeks later she is on antibiotics for tachypnea symptoms which is A DELAYED REACTION TO PREVICOX! This medicine has even been known to cause DEATH! DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GIVE YOUR DOG THIS MEDICINE, PLEASE!!!